February 16th 2021, following dates every Tuesday and Thursday until
March 30th 2021, 2p.m. – 5 p.m. (Central European Time)
– 30.03.2021
Perspectives on (international) business in Europe
Europäische Integration, Internationale Politik, Aktuelle gesellschaftspolitische Herausforderungen,
Studierende und Graduierte,
Perspectives on (international) business in Europe
This “online study abroad” was aimed primarily at International Business students from Coles College at Kennesaw State University in Georgia, USA. The idea was to help the young participants experience and develop new perspectives, knowledge and opinions on various topics of US and European interest. Through lectures, discussion rounds, group work as well as some really fun online activities, the group was able to discuss the course topics with Europeans, first-hand. These topics included intercultural communication, sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, European Institutions and lobbying, Digitalization and Brexit. The course was rounded off with an online discussion forum including European peers, which was truly appreciated by all participants.
“The selection (of contents) was spot on given the restrictions we had.”
“Every person involved did more than expected.”
“I really loved your class and tried to participate actively”
“I met a lot of people I wouldn’t have met otherwise”