29. February 2024, 17:00 – 18:30 CET
Online in Zoom
The European Union is at a critical juncture as we approach the 2024 European Parliament elections, with the digital landscape playing an unprecedented role in shaping political discourse and electoral outcomes.
Join the online event "EU Talks 2024: Towards Empowering Civil Society in the Digital Age" organized by EAO, Asko Europa Stiftung and Robert Schuman Institute seeks to address the urgent need for increased cooperation and digital literacy to counteract misinformation and enhance the integrity of our democratic processes.
The online workshop aims to:
- Increase digital literacy through equipping participants with the skills to critically evaluate online information and recognize disinformation.
- Strengthen civil society's role encouraging active engagement and collaboration among civil society members to counter misinformation.
- Promote cross-country dialogue facilitating interactive sessions for participants to share experiences and learn from one another.
Speakers´ presentations (40 minutes)
Workshop session (20 minutes)
Discussion (20 minutes)
Register here until February 25, 2024.
The number of participants is limited to 30 on a first-come, first-served basis.