– 19.08.2023

Demokratie in Gefahr – Europa in Gefahr?! Stand up for our common values! Aber welche?

Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen
Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Europäische Integration, Internationale Politik,
Studierende und Graduierte,

Under the motto "Democracy in Danger? Europe in Danger? Stand up for our common values! But which ones?", 37 students from 11 countries met at the EAO in mid-August to spend a week learning and discussing topics such as political systems, the functioning of European institutions or the importance of civil society and NGOs for democracies. The expert lectures and workshops offered the opportunity to strengthen the intercultural skills of the participants. Numerous discussion rounds during the seminar gave the participants the opportunity and safe space to share to share their views on democracy and democratic values, peace versus war, and the culture of remembrance. The free exchange of opinions and experiences in a friendly atmosphere was very important for everyone, not only for the Russian participants, who despite being far from home they were forced to leave because of the war, were open-minded and willing to share their stories with anyone who would listen.
A special highlight of the Summer School was the one-day excursion to Strasbourg with visits to the Council of Europe and the European Parliament.
Unter dem Motto "Democracy in Danger? Europe in Danger? Stand up for our common values! But which ones?" trafen sich im August 37 Studierende aus 11 Ländern an der EAO, um sich eine Woche lang mit Themen wie der Funktionsweise der europäischen Institutionen oder der Bedeutung von Zivilgesellschaft und NGOs für Demokratien auseinanderzusetzen. Die Expertenvorträge und Workshops boten die Möglichkeit, die interkulturellen Kompetenzen der Teilnehmenden zu stärken. Zahlreiche Diskussionsrunden im Rahmen des Seminars vermittelten den Teilnehmer:innen die Möglichkeit, sich über Demokratie und andere politische Systeme, europäische Werte, Frieden versus Krieg und Erinnerungskultur auszutauschen und über ihre Meinungen und Erfahrungen in einer freundlichen Atmosphäre zu diskutieren. Dies war besonders wichtig für alle, nicht nur die russischen Teilnehmer:innen des Seminars, die wegen des Krieges ihr Heimatland verlassen mussten, aber bereit sind, über ihre Erfahrungen zu reden und sich für Demokratie einzusetzen.
Ein besonderes Highlight der Summer School war die eintägige Exkursion nach Straßburg mit Besuchen im Europarat und im Europäischen Parlament.
What did the participants themselves appreciate about the seminar? // Was haben die Teilnehmer:innen selbst am Seminar geschätzt?
"EAO Summer School is all about thought-provoking discussions and vibrant energy. My personal highlight is the people. The passion and intellect of my fellow young participants are truly inspiring. Grateful to be here, and kudos to the organizers!" - Yavuz from Turkey
"I am very glad that I had the chance to participate in the Summer School "Democracy in Danger? Europe in Danger?" because it was a great opportunity to meet and interact with like-minded students who are as interested in current political issues as I am. The summer school gave me a deep insight into the difficulties of the decision-making process in the European institutions and I really enjoyed the interesting and diverse lectures and discussions that took place during this fantastic week." - Lea from Germany