- Telephone: 06873 662-453
- E-mail:
Rebecca Dahl, Director of Studies
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-463
- E-mail:
Rhetorical Communication in Civic Education, Professional Education
M.A. degree (Magistra Artium) in Speech Science, Musicology and Psychology from the University of Landau/Palatinate (Germany). Additional certificate “German as a foreign language“ from Trier University.
Thematic expertise
- Rhetoric for speeches
- Communication as professional key competence
- Rhetoric and political education
- Visual rhetoric, use of media
- Migration, integration
- Sustainable consumption
Publications, lectures, media reports
- Thömmes Rebecca; Thömmes, Arthur: Die schnelle Stunde Kommunikationstraining: 30 originelle Unterrichtsstunden ganz ohne Vorbereitung. Auer Verlag; 2015
- Thömmes, Rebecca: So stimmt es mit der Stimme: Übungen zur Sprech- und Stimmbildung für Lehrer. Verlag an der Ruhr; 2011
- Thömmes; Rebecca: Zugänge zur politischen Bildung mittels rhetorischer und ästhetischer Kommunikation. In: Oliver Strauch, Claas Willeke, Florian Penner: Kunst der Demokratie: Das Handbuch. Saarbrücken: Die Redner, 2011.
Communication (languages)
German (native language), English (B2)
Tanja Pech
- Telephone: 06873 662-157
- E-mail:
Astrid Domann, Seminarassistenz
- Telephone: 06873 662-451
- E-mail:
Sophia Rickert, Director of Studies
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-446
- E-mail:
European Youth Education
French-German studies: cross-border communication and cooperation in Saarbrücken (Germany) and Metz (France) // Intercultural education, migration and multilingualism in Karlsruhe (Germany). M.A. degree (Master of Arts)
Thematic expertise
- French-German relations
- Intercultural communication
- Didactics of intercultural youth education
Publications, lectures, media reports
- Wert(voll). Tool-Kit für die interkulturelle Jugendarbeit, EAO, 2018
Communication (languages)
German (native language), French (C2), English (C1)
Stéphanie Bruel, Managing Director
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-443
- E-mail:
Study of History and German Studies, European Studies in Paris/Besançon (France)
Thematic Expertise
- Intercultural communication
- European integration
- Franco-German relations
- Didactics of intercultural youth education
- Cross-border mobility
Publications, lectures, media reports
- Wert(voll). Tool-Kit für die interkulturelle Jugendarbeit, EAO, 2018
- "Wege und Grenzen der Anlasspädagogik in der europapolitischen Jugendbildung“, in Politische Dimension der internationalen Jugendarbeit, IJAB, Bonn, 2014
- "Graffiti-Projekt Die Jugend gestaltet Europa: regards croisés franco-allemands. Europapolitik für junge Auszubildende durch ästhetisch-politische Bildung erfahrbar machen.“ In: ibidem
Communication (languages)
French (native language), German (C2), English (B2)
Nicola Speer, Director of Studies
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-414
- E-mail:
Rhetorical Communication in Civic Education, Professional Education
Study of Speech Science and Phonetics in Halle/Saale (Germany). Diploma in Speech Science. Postgraduate studies of Clinical Speech Science in Halle/Saale. Diploma in Clinical Speech Science.
Thematic expertise
- Speech and discussion rhetoric for different target groups and contexts
- Rhetoric and political education
- Communication in conflict situations
- Speech and communication
- Intercultural communication
- Rhetoric and inclusion
Publications, lectures, media reports
- „Populismus – eine Einordnung"
- "Themenfeld antidemokratische Tendenzen: Umgang mit Hate Speech, Fake News, Rassismus."
- "Wie siehst Du mich, wie sprichst Du mit mir? Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit"
- Podcast "Hab ich das laut gesagt!?" / Interview in the magazine "Forum - Das Wochenmagazin", 21.05.2021 with Julia Indenbaum
Communication (languages)
German (native language), English (C2), French (B1)
Marco Wölflinger, Executive Director
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-266
- E-mail:
Study of business administration (Saarland University), General Management Academy (Universities of Mannheim, Michigan)
Professional experience:
- Commercial management positions in industry, trade and service
Main areas of expertise:
- External and internal accounting, IT, human resources
- Controlling
- Organizational Development
- Private and corporate law
Communication (languages) :
English, French
- Telephone: 06873 662-442
- E-mail:
- Telephone: 06873 662-454
- E-mail:
- Telephone: 06873 662-133
- E-mail:
Kristin Müller, Director of Studies
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-449
- E-mail:
Rhetorical Communication in Civic Education, Professional Education
B.A. degree (Bachelor of Arts) in Speech Science, from the University of Halle/ Saale, (Germany). State-recognized speech therapist, Leipzig.
Additional certificate as systemic consultant, Leipzig. Translator for Easy and Simple Language, Marburg.
Thematic expertise
- Rhetoric for speeches
- Conversation technique
- Implementation of voice and communucation professionally
- Rhetoric and political education
- Inclusion
Publications, lectures, media reports
- Müller, Kristin: Spannungsfeld Autorenlesung — Der Autor zwischen (Sprech-) Kunst & Vermarktung. Online-Zeitschrift DGSS aktuell; 2015
Communication (languages)
German (native language), English (B2)
Dr. Marie-Louise Brunner, Tandem-Professor
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-440
- E-mail:
Project Leader Sustainability Communication
The tandem professorship combines the responsibilities of a professor at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied Sciences, with applied work as Project Leader for Sustainability Communication at the Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen and thereby creates exciting new synergies and opportunities.
Bachelor of Arts in English: Linguistics, Literatures, and Cultures & French Culture Studies and Intercultural Communication at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Master of Arts in English, American, and Anglophone Studies & Intercultural Communication with a Focus on Francophone Cultures at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
PhD in English Linguistics (topic: Understanding Intercultural Communication: Negotiating Meaning and Identities in English as a Lingua Franca Skype Conversations) at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Thematic expertise
- Sustainability Communication
- Business Communication, Customer Interaction & Communication Optimization on social media
- Social Media Marketing and digital brand identity
- Intercultural Communication
- Linguistics and Culture Studies
- Language and Food
Publications, lectures, media reports (selection)
- Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2022. Cross-platform analysis. Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis, ed. by Camilla Vasquez. Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Brunner, Marie-Louise. 2021. Understanding intercultural communication: Negotiating meaning and identities in English as a Lingua Franca Skype conversations. Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
- Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2021. Section on "Let the Cat Out of The Bag! – Raising Intercultural Awareness with Hedgehog, Giraffe and Co." In: Whalen, D. Joel 2021 "Selections From the ABC 2020 Annual Conference, Online: Gathering Around the Cool Fire to Share Business Communication Teaching Innovations" Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 84(3): 266-286.
- Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2020. Section on "Crisis Communication via Social Media: Can You Do Better?" In: Whalen, D. Joel. 2020. “Selections from the ABC 2019 Annual Conference, Detroit, Michigan: Dancin’ in Motown’s Streets to the Beat of My Favorite Assignments.” Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 83(2): 234-255.
- Diemer, Stefan; and Marie-Louise Brunner. 2020. "Tell me about food and I tell you who you are" - Expert identity in intercultural food discourse via Skype. Talking about Food. The social and the global in eating communities, ed. by Sofia Rüdiger and Susanne Mühleisen, 167-187. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2019. Meaning negotiation and customer engagement in a digital BELF setting: A study of Instagram company interactions. Iperstoria – Testi Letterature Linguaggi 13(1): 15-33 [Special section: Negotiating Meaning in Business English as a Lingua Franca, ed. by Alessia Cogo and Paola Vettorel].
- Brunner, Marie-Louise; and Stefan Diemer. 2019. Section on "Business Goes Intercultural: Developing an Intercultural Marketing Campaign" In: Whalen et al. 2019. Selections from the ABC 2018 Annual Conference, Miami, Florida: Teaching Innovations Bright as the Tropical Sun. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 82(2).
- Brunner, Marie-Louise; Stefan Diemer; and Selina Schmidt. 2018. "I mean ... we have good coffee in Italy ... why do we need Starbucks?" – ‘America’ in the construction and negotiation of European identities. (Pop) Cultures on the Move: Transnational Identifications and Cultural Exchange Between East and West [Saravi Pontes 8], ed. by Astrid M. Fellner; Tetjana Ostapchuk; and Bärbel Schlimbach, 17-33. Saarbrücken: universaar - Saarland University Press.
- Polzin-Haumann, Claudia; Christina Reissner; Stefan Diemer; and Marie-Louise Brunner. 2016. Die Erprobung landeszentraler Sprechaufgaben in den Abiturprüfungen in Französisch und Englisch an saarländischen Schulen [The practical trial of centralized speaking tasks in French and English Abitur examinations at Saarland secondary schools]. Scientific evaluation study commissioned by the Saarland Ministry of Education and Culture. Saarbrücken: Ministerium für Bildung und Kultur des Saarlandes.
For a full list of publications, lectures, and media reports see
Communication (languages)
German (native language), English (C1-C2), French (B2), Italian (B1)
Dr. Jana Stehlíková, Director of Studies
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-488
- E-mail:
Academic Education
Bachelor and Master's degree in International Relations and Diplomacy (Prague University of Economics and Business,Czech Republic).
PhD in International Political Relations with a Dissertation on "The European Union as a normative power? The extraterritorial reach of the EU’s personal data protection standards" (Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic). BETZAVTA Facilitator.
Thematic Expertise
- International Relations
- European Integration
- Data Surveillance and International Data Protection Regimes
- Digitalisation (Industry 4.0), Disinformation, Digital Democracy and Digital Media
- Globalisation und Transatlantic Relations
Publications, lectures, media reports
- STEHLÍKOVÁ, J. (2023): The European Union as a Normative Power? The Extraterritorial Reach of the EU’s Personal Data Protection Standards. Tectum, 2023, 262 Pages. ISBN print: 978-3-8288-4920-4. ISBN online: 978-3-8288-5053-8 - KRISTEK, T. - STEHLÍKOVÁ, J. (2022): Tertiary Education Accessibility and Affordability: SDG 4.3 in Visegrad Countries. In: Leal Filho, W., Dinis, M.A.P., Moggi, S., Price, E., Hope, A. (eds) SDGs in the European Region . Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives. Springer.
- STEHLÍKOVÁ, J. (2021): The corona crisis, data protection and tracking apps in the EU: the Czech and Austrian COVID-19 mobile phone apps in the battle against the virus. Czech Journal of International Relations.
- DRULÁKOVÁ, R. (Ed.) - HNÁT, P. (Ed.) (2021): Setting up the coordination mechanism within the Presidency of the Council of the EU: preparation and realization from the perspective of selected Member States, lessons learned, and recommendations for CZ PRES 2022. Forschungsbericht. Autoren: ANTAL, J. - BIČ, J. - DRULÁKOVÁ, R. - DUBSKÝ, Z. - HNÁT, P. - KOČÍ, K. - GREBE, E. - GRMELOVÁ, N. - HOVORKOVÁ, J. - STEHLÍKOVÁ, J.
- LOMBARDO, L. - STEHLÍKOVÁ, J. - VOKÁLEK M. (2020): Cyberdefense in a Globalized World. How Can Digital Technologies Build a More Integrated Europe? Nomos eLibrary. Series: Denkart Europa
- STEHLÍKOVÁ, J. (2020): Disinformation and the European Union. How Can Digital Technologies Build a More Integrated Europe? Nomos eLibrary. Series: Denkart Europa
International Conferences:
- Online Platforms and The European Union: Digital Age as a Challenge to Democratic Principles. Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA) Conference, University of Pécs, September 2019
- Disinformation and the European Union. CEEISA-ISA 2019 Joint International Conference, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Political Science, June 2019
Communication (languages)
Czech (native language), English (C2), German (C1)
Dr. Stephan Lutzenberger, Director of Studies
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-486
- E-mail:
European Youth Education
German-French double degree in political science (B.A. and M.A.) in Freiburg and Aix-en-Provence, PhD in political science from Free University in Berlin.
Trained group interpreter.
Thematic expertise
- European integration and European politics
- Franco-German relations
- Intercultural youth education
Communication (languages)
German (native), French (C2), English (C1-2)
Sarah Wasner-Launois, Project assistant
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-448
- E-mail:
Project assistant for cross-border cooperation
B.A. German and English Languages, Literatures and Cultures + University degree in Theater and Creative practices (Nancy), French-German M.A. Cultural Mediation of the Arts (Marseille and Hildesheim)
Thematic expertise
- Intercultural communication
- Youth education and support
- French-German cooperation
- Cultural mediation
- Translation
Communication (languages)
French (native), German (C1), English (C1)
Lucy Hensel, Director of Studies
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-486
- E-mail:
European Youth Education
B.A. Romance languages, B.Mus. Classical singing and B.A. Political science in Leipzig and Riga, Master European Affairs – Cultural policy and management in Paris
Thematic expertise
- European integration and European politics
- Franco-German relations
- Cultural policy
Communication (languages)
German (mother tongue), French (C1), English (C1), Italian (B1)
Rémi Mazet, Director of Studies
- Telephone: +49 6873 662-478
- E-mail:
European Youth Education
M.A. Sciences Po in Toulouse, M.A. Governance of international relations
Thematic expertise
- German-French youth exchanges
- European mobility
- Intercultural communication
- European politics and international relations
- History of Franco-German town twinning
Communication (languages)
French (native), German (C2), English (C1), Italian (A1)